Your Daily Dose of NPR Enlightenment


As a kid my parents created a “my three things” share to encourage conversation at the dinner table. My siblings and I were each given the opportunity to share three things we learned that day. There were no guidelines. It could be a social observation, a personal achievement, a geography fact, some pop culture – “I heard the Simpsons’ Springfield is *actually* Springfield, IL” – (hotly debated). My parents also took part, sharing a mix of news, information, and Jeopardy-worthy tidbits. The result was lively discussion that often kept us at the table long after dinner was finished.

Years later, and as a parent myself, I spend a good portion of the day tuned into NPR programming, soaking in all its gloriousness. The purpose of this blog is to share these bits of news and stories; a mix of the unusual, the sometimes horrifying, and the fascinating happenings in our world…with a simple link, photo, and comment. A daily something you can take to your dinner table and say “I heard on NPR…”

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